Friday, June 24, 2005

Secretary Rice Should Preach Democracy in Zimbabwe

Secretary Rice is in the Middle East preaching democracy. Speaking at the American University in Cairo, Ms. Rice said, " For 60 years , my country pursued stability at the expense of democracy in this region here in the Middle East. Now we are taking a different course. We are supporting democratic aspirations of all people. "

The " different course " ( preemptive war ) has caused 1700 plus American lives ( 42,000 wounded ) , 100,000 plus Iraqi and Afghan deaths and $ 300 billion in war costs, so far. Who doesn't yearn for yesteryears stability ?

Secretary Rice was given full state honors in Egypt. But the host had to suffer the criticisms of the guest Ms. Rice. Egypt has representative government to the extent present circumstances allow. Why doesn't Condi visit Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe and insult and criticize his policy of demolishing the homes of the oppostion-leaving 200,000 homeless ?

Alas, Condi ain't dumb. She has heard what happened to missionaries in Africa. They put 'em in pots and boiled 'em.

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