Saturday, June 11, 2005

" Liberal Democracy, All Roads Lead to Slavery "

June 8, 2005, Janice Rogers Brown, an African-American daughter of an Alabama sharecropper, was confirmed to the Court of Appeals for Wash. D.C. ( the most influential appellate court in the country) .

The title of this piece is a quotation from a former speech. She has also said, " If we can invoke no ultimate limits on the power of government, a democracy is inevitably transformed into a kleptocracy- a license to steal, a warrant for oppression." I say Amen.

Refreshing words. Finally someone is saying the obvious. We need more like her. Like Rome and the Athenians before them, republics and democracies all end when social redistribution becomes an end in itself. They end even faster when the bill for entitlements are unaffordable. Bread and circus for the Romans is akin to Washington's bureauacracies of largesse to all comers who can pay the price of political support.

We are not all equal. We are known by our differences. Any system of government that does not mimic those realities will not last as long as those who do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The 14th amendment was the one that ended it all..."No state shall make any law..." was the beginning of the end. The 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th amendments were all serious mistakes, all passed in the wake of the passage of the federal reserve act, an unconstitutional delegation of congress' authority to "coin money, and regulate the value therof..." I blame not so much the democrat politicians as I do my neighbors who believe the crap those politicians say.