Friday, June 24, 2005

ADL Censors Senate Language : " Hitler, Nazis , Holocaust "

Abraham Foxman is the National Director of ADL ( Anti- Defamation League ). Like the NAACP, they are a race-based organization, but this one has a focus on Jewish interests. Given the historical backround of the Jews it was inevitable that a benevolent society would be formed. But ADL and Mr. Foxman like all bureaucracies are engaging in mission creep. Now they are into language control. None other than the US Senate is subject to ADL's censorship. Two recent examples concern Senators Rick Santorum, R-PA and Richard Durbin, D-IL.

In both cases, the Senators were making statements unrelated to Jewish interests-not even obliquely. The Senators drew criticism from ADL when they used comparative imagery of Hitler and Nazi tactics in reference to the Senators seperate issues of filibuster and military detainee abuse. Well Mr Foxman swooped down on the unsuspecting Senators like a bill collector.

Mr. Foxman said, " This kind of language makes no sense. America's elected officials must refrain from invoking Hitler, the Nazis and the Holocaust, which have no place in our nation's political discourse. "

Both Senators promptly apologized publicly. They both had to pay the fine of honoring the memory of the Holocaust in a prepared statement. The apologies were so similar. It seemed ADL dictated the important facts to mention.

Enough already. America paid the ultimate price in WW II by defeating Hitler and saving Jewish lives. I don't know what Mr. Foxman or his relatives were doing during the war, but Americans died. And in a very real way Foxman owes his over payed job to their deaths.

By the way, when are the Holocast survivors and Israel going to thank America for their very existence ? And all those monetary settlements from various countries as war reparations, why isn't some of that money being shared with the relatives of dead service people of the Allied Forces ?

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