Friday, June 10, 2005

Mental Health Census: Questionable & Expensive Data

Hey, want to be part of a census that earns $2154 per person ? That was the cost per head for the 9282 people that were asked about their personal mental health. They were not paid that amount but the census takers billed that amount. The National Institute of Mental Health spent app. $ 20 million gathering these facts. One might think a fraud was being perpetrated. But frauds necessarily involve one or more parties being deceived. In this case the federal government, health foundations and pharmaceutical companies all knowingly agreed on the costs. The lead researcher was Dr. Ronald. C. Kessler of Harvard Medical School. who was joined by other researchers at different universities.

The results predicted that 55% of Americans wiil suffer from a mental disorder during their lifetime. The most common problems were: depression(17% affected);alcohol abuse(13%); phobia-anxiety(12%). Now these " mental disorders" were not life threatening or permanently incapacitating but only transistional moods that were eventually dealt with by the affected people themselves .

What really is going on with this type of dubious science is a kind of conspiracy. Harvard, pharmaceutical companies and the federal government are trying to develop new markets or expand their bureaucratic influence into new areas. They need "scientific data" to refer to. With Harvard's help they have new justification. It all smacks of a " con-game".

Too much money flows into Washington and consequently they have too much power. Pharmaceutical companies lobby for new Health and Human Services entitlements. Watch for new drugs in these areas.

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