Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Physics of Iraq Civil War And Solution

Einstein's famous equation of energy being equal to mass is like all insights a metaphor-it has many applications. The recently anounced fusion reactor project in Cadarache, France is modeled on the physics of that equation. That is an example of good physics. But their are metaphors that demonstrate physics that are not productive. Substitute " Enmity " for energy and " Meddling " for mass ( enmity = meddling ) and one can grasp more easily what is going on in Iraq today.

America is knowingly or unknowingly subsidizing a civil war in Iraq. With 70 % unemployed, the only jobs are with the Iraqi Security Forces. The funding comes from infrastructure reconstruction-which has shriveled because of the Civil War. The Kurds and the Shiites are taking adsvantage of the American money to wage tribal war against the Sunnis-their ancient foe. The Sunnis naturally resent the American meddling with an increase in their enmity which translates into a fusion-like war without end.

What is the answer? Simple. Remove one side of the equation. The only side we control is the M- side. Stop meddling and the war reactor will shut down.

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