Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Aipac / Israel: Spying & History

Never has a country been given so much- yet it always wants more. Israel, America's so-called ally and poster child for democracy in the Middle East was involved- again- in receiving US state secrets. On June 13, 2005 Lawrence Franklin, a former Pentagon analsyt who worked under Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz's was charged with disclosing classified information to an Israeli official. The intelligence concerned Iran's weapon testing. Franklin has also been recently charged with passing the same classified intelligence to 2 representatives of AIPAC ( American Israeli Public Affairs Committee ). Investigators alledge that Franklin gave the intelligence to Naor Gilon, an Israeli embassy official. The Israeli official then gave back to Franklin suggestions and instructions that he ( Franklin) incorporated into an " action memo" to his superiors in the Pentagon. There you have it. An agent of Israel, a foreign country, influencing intelligence conclusions about US options that reflected Israel's goals rather than America's. This is what probably happened in the Iraq rush to war intelligence.

In 1986, a US Naval officer Jonathon Pollard was sentenced to life imprisonment for spying for Israel. AIPAC has sinced lobbied incessantly for Pollard's pardon. Israel gave Pollard an Israeli citizenship for his dedication.

AIPAC is one of many Israeli- related lobbies in America ( some estimates run to $6 billion of cumalitive budgets). It's supporters have made the most of American inclusiveness by turning it into a caricature of multiculturism. AIPAC supporters played a strategic role in changing US immigration policy in 1965. The effect of that change was to take quotas and desirability of applicants out of policy. What was AIPAC's purpose for immigration involvement? It was a preemptive move to dilute nationalistic tendencies which have always been a problem for minorities like the Jews. But the inundation of foreigners into the US end up tearing the fabric of a cohesive society.

AIPAC supporters have used their political muscle to help establish organizations like the ACLU and the NAACP. Both organizations are at their core devisive and narrow purpose special interests. These are other examples of preemptive political and legal moves to any nationalistic tendencies that end up atomizing US society at large.

AIPAC and Israeli nationaistic models are not necessarily in America's best interest. AIPAC should be registered as an agent of a foreign government. Then all can follow the money trail and the influnce that was bought from our Congress.

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