Friday, May 13, 2016

Trump And Gingrich? Sensitive Material Warnings To Liberals & Progressives

Sensitive material warnings were reserved for serious subjects. An example would be animal abuse. I support PETA , People For Ethical Treatment Animals, which includes a monthly check and my own response to email campaign to animal abusers.Now sensitive material warnings are routinely used to warn weenies at universities and social media news venders about perceived social missteps in reporting on the freaks within our midst.An example would be not treating transgender people as worthy of consideration for adoption or not hiring one as a dress model.Well here's my warning about Donald Trump's possible choice for Vice President. Warning: Material that may be offensive to progressives keeps popping up and here goes another pop. Newt Gingrich may be chosen to run with The Donald.Many of you may not know that the former Speaker of The House was the reason for the prosperity during Bill Clinton A.K.A Ozark Caligula presidency. Bill and Al Gore won the election because Ross Perot split the republican vote. Clinton's first policy gambit was to propose a BTU tax.Long story short because of that proposal the democrats lost both the house and the senate and Newt Gingrich became Speaker and implemented the republicans "Contract With America". It was made up of ten points that included balancing the budget. And so it happened that way. Lying Billy after a few years started to claim that the ideas of conservative approach to government was his idea all the time.But with an articulate Newt Gingrich exposing Clinton's false claims Trump could not do better to shoot down Clinton's wife who feels smug about Bill's revised place in history.Hopefully the bitch will get indicted before those debates. I wonder how red her face will get and how high her squeaky voice will get when she gets the news.

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