Sunday, September 01, 2013

Obama, Congress, Syria, Tomahawk Missile, Sarin Gas, Nobel Peace Prize

President Obama is our black president and also the recipient of a Nobel Peace Prize. He is the walking talking incarnation of how far affirmative action has rendered heretofore revered positions and prizes sullied by political correctness. But "it is an ill wind that doesn't carry some good". Obama's deferring to congressional approval for a retaliatory missile on Syria does deserve a clap of the hands. Granted he took his cue from Britain but I doubt if George W Bush who is a kind of affirmative action moron who only because he's the  scion of the Bush Family  political cartel would have exampled such heed..

It looks like Sarin gas was used.. Was it Assad? Was it the rebels? We don't know for sure. Sarin gas kills no more brutally than shrapnel , vaporization, bleeding to death or by infection or amputation etc.Adult minds don't parse the difference. Only adults with children brains see a difference.The weapon of choice for the retaliatory strike would be a sea-launched Tomahawk Missile. But they are supposed to be surgical. They are supposed to be pinpoint. They are touted as only killing the "enemy". Sounds like god's justice. here are a few details about Tomahawk Missiles.They are 18 feet 3 inches long. They weigh 3500 pounds. They carry a warhead of 1000 pounds. They cost between $569,000 and $1.45 million depending on how accurate you want them. " I shot an arrow into the air..." Can anyone in the world honestly say that an 18 foot, 4500 pound missile that travels at close to sonic speeds can hit its target without impacting a considerable amount of contiguous space? That's also known as collateral damage. I would take bets that for the 1425 people who died from Sarin gas our Tomahawk strikes would impact or kill at least more than double that amount.

Mr. Peace Prize Obama was half correct in deferring to congress. He would have been 100% correct if he said no to any retaliatory strikes on his own because of humanitarian reasons.

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