Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Japan Reactor Radiation,Lipitor & Coumadin; Don't Drink the Water

Water is the source of all life. But since humans started using water to flush toilets, one could predict that eventually people would die from thirst. Eventually water will become so laced with residual fecal , chemical and radiation parts that it will be unusable for man or beast. How many people take Lipitor or Coumadin or Valium or the countless other well advertised drugs? When those drugs leave the body they enter the atmosphere. The ground water or oceans becomes tainted and evaporation sends the toxins around the planet. Today Japan's Fukushima nuclear reactor was just bumped up to the highest international level of severity. It now matches the dead space of the 1986 Chernobyl reactor in Russia. That radiation also ends up in the seas and ground water. And from there it gets into plants, animals and the atmosphere. My own speculation is that more people have read and followed the books of religion than have followed the disciplines of hygiene.The Bible, Koran , Torah, teachings of Buddha and other religious publications makes no mention of guarding against pollution. It's not in the commandments. Looking at supposed paintings of the writers of biblical parables, they look more like poster boys for a-before-a-bath example. A clean life is better than a holy life. Whatever "holy"means.


Julie Fontana Collins said...

I'm on Coumadin for three months. Better pull out the old chamber pot, when "nature" calls, and water the orchids with the contents. Or is that too toxic for the environment?

Julie Fontana Collins said...
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Ed Hon said...

The Russians contained the damage at Chernobyl to themselves.
The Japanese decided to share the radioactive Fukuyama water with the world.
What has our Nobel laureate Swedish teenager to say about this?