Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rafah Crossing Opened:Ironic 6 Million More Jews at Risk

Egypt anounced yesterday that its Rafah border crossing into Gaza, Israel will be permanently opened. The new gatekeeper will be Hamas. It's the group that is the sworn enemy of Israel . It's also the Palestinian political group that runs Gaza and its 1.5 million inhabitants that are being collectively punished by Israel. That move by Egypt breaks the Israeli seige. Now all sorts of goods and services will be available to the Gazans who have been suffering a slow motion genocide from the Zionists. Some of those goods and services will be weapons. It promises to get interesting.

Israel's population is 6 million. That's the supposed/approximate number that died at the hands of Hitler's genocide against the Jews. It's ironic that a new 6 million Jews are now at risk. But there's still 6 million Jews in New York. Interestingly, the three six -666- harkens to the the Bibles Book of Revelations 13:17-18 in the King James Version. The number refers to the sign of the beast- the sign of the devil. I.E. "Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the numbers of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666". There's many speculations as to why someone is identified by 666. Some say it was a tax collector who collected that number in taxes, some say it was something to do with the number assinged to the letters of the beasts name. There are other reasons given that have even less plausability than the two given. But remember that the Book of Revelations is a dream . Today it would be dismissed as a "bummer" dream induced by LSD, mushrooms or a Taco Bell jalopeno pastry. Ironies are in essence an example of regulation and balance.

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