Saturday, April 16, 2011

Goodluck Jonathan & Bill Clinton

Todays Wall Street Journal carries a story of the politics of Nigeria. It includes a photo of Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan and his wife Patience. Goodluck is waving to the crowd with a sh..t-eating grin on his face. That translates into a forced or phony smile. His wife Patience is by his side and slighty behind. She's wrapped in traditional African clothing but with un-traditional logos of" Goodluck Jonathan" all over. This one-off must have cost thousands but she doesn't pay or complain. There's been talk that Goodluck always has a hint of an erection. Maybe that's why Patience is somewhat behind him. People would notice that she couldn't possibly miss hubby's basic attempts of introduction. It struck me that Bill Clinton could be an American version of Goodluck Jonathan. Certainly Hillary is always by his side and a little behind so she could never be called as a witness. And Bill is always phony-smiling when he's not blathering and his sex life has produced volumes of testimony and tabloid stories.

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