Sunday, February 08, 2009

Propostion 8 Intolerance

Consider that most of the homosexuals one has met and disliked or didn't enjoy would have been equally evaluated if the homosexual were heterosexual. I.E. just because one is a homosexual, one's evaluation shouldn't have to be adjusted. If the homosexual is fragile, bitchy and quick to take offense like some heterosexuals then a fair response to both can be avoidance.

Consider It's the cyber equivalent of burning a cross on targeted groups lawn. was launched after the passage of California's Propostion 8 which forbade marriages between same sex couples. Eightmaps. com uses Google Maps of San Francisco, Utah and Orange County, CA to place arrows on the map along with the name, occupation, app. address and amount of money that was contributed by the targeted person for the passage of Prop 8. The obvious invitation to the map reader is to invite the reader to somehow respond to the targeted foe of homosexual marriage with some sort of appropriate or hateful counterattack. Boycotts, hateful emails and postal tricks have indeed followed from the launch of

Consider if some group got a hold of all the HIV/AIDS infected people in America and similarly flagged their name, address and occupation with Google Maps help? What do you think the homosexual community would do ? The bitches would take it to the streets.

Many of the backers of Prop 8 think once a generational change occurs in the U.S. the younger voters will pass same sex marriages. Think again. The qiuck spreading of HIV/AIDS infections may make the same sex marriage movement a one generation phenomenon.

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