Friday, February 06, 2009

Problem Attorneys : Final Solution

Ira Sorkin is a friend, investor and attorney for Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff. Sorkin presumably lost money with his investments in Madoff securities. But now Sorkin will defend Madoff against all criminal charges. I don't know what passes for normal friendship between shady consenting Jewish operators but they are still talking. Of course Ira is talking and Bernie is paying. Ira Sorkin is the quintessential form of attorney. Cheating and lying friends will not stop him from defending those same friends so they may delay or escape justice. There is one caveat: "Innocent until proven broke".

Here in San Francisco our Yellow Pages have 76 pages of attorneys ! There is no other professional category in the Yellow Pages that even comes close to that count. This fact begs the question," Are there any barriers to becoming an attorney?" The underlying fact that supports this legal infestation is the legal system rewards delay and by extension this includes rewarding lying and outright incompetence. No other professional pursuit rewards delay. Consequently the carrer attracts morally ambivalent people who can also be incompetent. One only needs an abundance of greed to succeed in the legal profession.

What's to be done to solve this predation? I'm intrigued by an old African rights of manhood ritual. This ritual happened before the European colonials and Bill Gates showed up. The custom was for young men to kill a lion with a spear ( my sympathy is with the lion). Then he would be considered a man worthy of respect from the tribe.

How about introducing a variation on that custom here in the U.S.? To wit, in the pursuit of real-time justice and to shed political correctness young men and women should be encouraged to slay attorneys with a weapon of choice to prove a break from childhood. Maybe a higher mark of ranking could be given if the slain lawyer was Jewish.

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