Sunday, August 17, 2008

Will The Russians Control Bush, Cheney Better Than Congress?

"Nature hates a vacuum", is attributed to the Greek philospher Aristotle. The truth of a statement is proportional to its observable applications. Bad foreign or domestic policy bring on unintended negative consequences. Thus a vacuum of sound judgment will be filled out of thin air with a subsequent more appropriate judgment and/or action.

And so the vacuum of Congress as a counterweight to the Bush/Cheney administration has brought back the Cold War. Congress was missing in the Afghanistan overreaction which turned the whole country against the U.S. "liberators". Congress was complicit and more than helpful in the insane invasion of Iraq. Congress was silent when the Administration tore up one nuclear limitation treaty after another with the Russians. And so the Russians response to the U.S. funding of insurrection by Georgia is a massive retaliation.

So now we have a predictable Russian discipline that will be imposed on vacuums or gaps in bad U.S. foreign policy. I think we will all be more secure with that discipline/threat rather than with the bad judgment threat and lack of discipline of our Congress.

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