Thursday, August 21, 2008

Afghanistan War : Consider The Inconvenient Truth

Bush, Cheney, the American Enterprise Institute, NATO and assorted empty-headed but full of hot air politicians around the globe all give lip service to the importance of winning the Afghanistan War. But the glaring fact is there are only 40,000 NATO troops battling a resurgent Taliban and many Afghanis who have taken up arms against NATO because of the many deaths of innocent civilians. To put that 40,000 number in perspective, there are app. 36,000 police in New York City.

We should leave Afghanistan. The app. 31,000,000 that live there had nothing to do with the 9/11 event save a relative tiny few. The country has become a feeding frenzy of military-industrial projects that are only a pretense to enrich a very few. We should be spending the money on our own infrastructure.

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