Saturday, August 16, 2008

Cheney's Cold Heart And The Cold War

"An icy surface may contain the possibility of life." No it wasn't a discription of Dick Cheney. It was the latest analysis of Enceladus, Saturn's moon. It's surface temperature is -289 F. But Cheney could be a metaphor. The moron Bush is non compos mentis and can hardly distinguish between the Russian Georgia and our Georgia with the city of Atlanta.

No. The restart of the Cold War can be blamed on the Big Dick. Why the U.S. should care about the Georgian state to the extent of training and supplying Georgian troops can only be explained as a provocative eye-gouge to the Russian Bear. Our own Pelosi-Cow has not mooed caution about this dangerous project. For her, " impeachment is off the table" and that serves as a free pass for more mischief-making by the degenerates in Washington. Maybe a winter offensive in Russia? "Hey asshole what is your job?"

There is one thing about nuclear war casualties, at least 80% of the people wont be missed. But the flora and fauna deserve better.

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