Sunday, November 19, 2006

Homo Sapiens Or Frivolous Primate ?

Recent discoveries at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany show the Neanderthal to be 99.5 % our equal in DNA. Excavated evidence leads to the theory that homo sapiens encountered the Neanderthal about 40,000 ago . About that same time the Neanderthal started on a road of extinction. Notably the Neanderthal had existed for 450,000 prior to their demise. In comparison Homo Sapiens has only existed for about 50,000 years. The reason that is speculated for the waxing of Homo Sapiens and the waning of Neanderthal was the advanced tool-making ability of Homo Sapiens. These tools were not only helpful for hunting and farming but also for war-making. I.E. Homo Sapiens killed Neanderthals.

Well here we are in the 21st century with scant hope that Homo Sapiens with his nuclear bombs , biological weapons, high-tech war machine and general degrading of the planet will last as long as the Neaderthals experience of 450,000 years. What's to be done? I suspect that the longevity of our species would be enhanced by looking to the low-tech model of the Neanderthal and adapting their more more basic and conservative approach to survival versus the high-tech arrogant approach of Homo Sapiens a.k.a. the frivolous primate.

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