Monday, June 19, 2006

Spanish Great Ape Project: Support This Good Start

There's hope. Of all places Spain is debating the Spanish Great Ape Project. Spain is home to bull fighting and is known for the many extinct animals that once roamed its beautiful lands. But they are trying to do the right thing. The vote is scheduled for later this month. But I encourage people to send supporting e-mails to the Spanish legislators. E-MAIL:

The legislation elevates the primates to a status equal to their distant cousin . That be us. It doesn't mean we have to adopt them, build homes , give out food stamps or let them vote. But the new law would stop inhumane treatment, torture and killing. The Project is led by Pedro Pozas and Peter Singer. The Project will stop the use of primates in medical testing. Why should they feel discomfort, pain or die for their cousin the frivolous primate ( humans)? Why should they be killed so sodomy can be pursued without the inconveniece of a condom?

If we need testing for new drugs then we should use death row inmates instead of having scruples about discomforting murderers from lethal injections. With near 7 billion humans on the planet surely we can find a good medical use for some. I personally would give a list of candidates for medical trials if anyone wants one.

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