Sunday, October 16, 2005

Louis Farrkhan Revises History

Saturday was the 10th anniversary of the Million Man March in Washington. Speakers included Louis Farrkhan, leader of America's Nation of Islam. He said in part ( 80 minute speech), " We want America to acknowledge the wickedness of slavery and the trans-Atlantic slave trade; acknowledge what you did in robbing our fathers of their names, their language, their culture, their religion."Mr. Farrakhan is not dumb. He conveniently omitted the realities of 17th century slave trade. Most if not all slaves that went to America were delivered to the waiting ships by native African slave traders who were payed for their services. Why not ask for acknowledgements of wickedness and reparations from west African countries?

America fought in part a Civil War because of slavery. Talk of apoligies and reparations should be shared with fallen American soldiers and their desendants. Farrakhan could be a modern day slave trader. He keeps his people in the bondage of being victims.

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