Sunday, October 30, 2005

David Brooks, N. Y. Times & PNAC

Mr. Brooks piece in the N. Y. Times today, " No Cancer Found", refers to Fitzgerald's indictment of only Libby. Brook's ran with that probable fleeting fact and called for a halt to further investigations and negative speculations. He followed William Kristol, his schoolmaster's conclusion expressed earlier in the week. Kristol writes for " The Weekly Standard" and is chairman and co-founder of The Project for the New American Century. Other founders are Cheney, Libby, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Khalilzad, Jeb Bush, Elliot Abrahms and many others in the Bush administrataion.

Early in 2004 Brooks wrote a piece claiming only " full mooners believe in neoconservative institutions like PNAC having any influence in the Bush administration". He also said," In truth [ protesting already] the people labeled Neocons travel in widely different circles and don't actually have much contact with one another." No contact? There in the same room!

The N. Y. Times at its core has an agenda in the Middle East and/or some of it's writers do-Miller, Friedman, Brooks etc. This agenda puts Ameica's security at risk for imperial and /or Israeli goals. Can we have a show of hands at the Times? What team and what goals are you playing for?

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