Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Catholic Church and Self-Preservation

The Catholic Archdicese of Los Angeles is in the middle of a huge law suit brought by 560 victims of molestations by priests. Church files in evidence going back to the 1930's document disregard for the priests criminal-predatory behavior by merely shuffling deviants to different locales where they preyed on new unsuspecting victims. Racketeering and/or Human Trafficking laws were certainly brushed-up against if not violated.

The Church's bureacracy is a metaphor for all former and future secular or religious bureaucracies. Once established, they all default to self-preservation as a goal. If that means in some cases criminal behavior, so be it.

The seperation of church and state has been breached by the Evangelical Bush presidency. He and his evangelical supporters with their Jesus-flavored jingoism has introduced pre-emptive war to American foreign policy. Notably Christ is not on record favoring pre-emptive war. Nietzsche said correctly, " The first and last Christian was Christ himself".

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