Friday, October 21, 2005

American Culture : UNESCO Votes

UNESCO ( United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in Paris yesterday voted in favor of a new " convention on diversity" designed to combat the homogenizing effect of cultural globilization. Only America and Israel opposed the convention. Under the terms " governments will be permitted to use subsidies and quotas to promote their cultures" which will have the effect of limiting Hollywood movies to their countries. America is supposed to be the "melting pot" of the world's races. According to that vote, the racial meltdown process somehow stamped out general cultural value in " entertainment". Recent elections in America also show a sharpening cultural and political divide about entertainment, politics et al. Cole Porter's song ," Anything Goes " ,may finally be proved to be non-applicable.

We are known by our differences. Maybe the future America will have populated states that reflect tribal/cultural demographic differences as per world demographic distributions. And with this state nationalism will come a dismantiling of Washington power. That would be welcome.

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