Thursday, October 30, 2014

Apple's Tim Cook Acclaimed By Former Congressman Barney Frank: Aren't They Precious?

The media world is gushing about Apple's CEO having a media open air orgasm about how he "So proud and happy that god made him gay". Gee. It moved former Congressman Barney Frank so much that he picked up the hot line that's reserved for former members of congress and who are currently gay and are eternally Jewish to be mandated quoted that " How pleased he was that Tim Cook was pleased to be gay because he was also gay and every one knew that but he thought some one might have forgotten that he was gay and he wanted to remind that one person and one and all about gay hurdles and not rear mounting problems but he was tired now from his moment about Tim's gayness but could Tim get Apple's stock higher because it's worth more.." And that's where transmission was cut for a commercial break and no one at the station wanted to hear from the asshole again. Aren't Tim and barney precious?

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