Saturday, May 17, 2014

Boko Haram: Pros And Con

As the saying goes, " It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good." Boko Haram translates " no western education".So that would preclude a Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, Beyonce, Gloria Steinem, Michelle Obama or Barbara Boxer ad nauseum from being raised in Nigeria.So that's pro for Boko Haram.But Boka Haram uses western educated enabled weaponry to kill and maime. So BH is lying about being true Luddites and that's a con.BH attacks western backed natural resource extracors form their country. The oil and mining companies polute the land. So BH work like that is a pro for environmentalists philosophy. BH is against the corrupt government of Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan. This pres supports an oligarchy to the detriment of his lands and peoples.If Bill Clinton were black he would be a Goodluck Jonathan So BH deserves a pro for opposing Goodluck.If Boko Haram prevails and takes over Nigeria. The world should honor the BH philosophy of no western educated institutions or products in Nigeria.To that end there should be an embargo of all antibiotics to that country. And that would answer broad objections on both sides of the clash of civilizations.

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