Friday, November 02, 2012

Foie Gras Nation: Consume Or Die

Fact. American economy is based on consumption. Fact. Seventy percent of our economy is dedicated to providing food and services to a consuming class of all gradations and income levels. Fact. If we don't consume our economy will fail. In our current sputtering economic times and high unemployment, the Federal Reserve has resorted to buying up government debt so new debt can be issued and so consumption can be guaranteed. These monetary policies herd U.S. citizens to consume because interest rates are almost non existant so there is no money in saving and prudence.. Much like geese are force fed to fatten their liver to produce foie gras. That's reality. That's the plan. But a collateral result produces an obese nation. Fact. Almost 70% ( notice the number?) of consumers are overweight, fat or obese. If 70% of economy is consumer based, then only 30% actually produce. The producers are necessarily not fat in their operating procedures.. It would be bad for their business model. The people we fight around the world are not fat. ever see a fat member of al Qaeda or Taliban? Who is more likely to win the wars? Who is more likely to win a healthy peace ?

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