Saturday, January 17, 2009

Remember The Border Fence?

One of the legacies of the spending monkeys in Washington will be the environmentally disastrous and expensive U.S./Mexican border Fence. The 670 mile fence was constructed to halt the illegal immigration flow rather than simply enforcing existing laws concerning hiring illegals. Well with the U.S. unemployment rate heading north of 8% the el norte flow of Mexican illegals has slowed considerably and in fact a lot of the illegals are heading south/sur back to old Mexico.

So how can the conservative boondoggle fence project be made into a liberal spending monkey boondoggle project? How about retrofitting the wall with doors that only have handicapped handles and ramps that open on the north side? What about port o' potties and showers on the U.S. side? Custom agents asking, " Anything to declare AND is ther anything we can do for you before you leave?" If the illegals can't think of anything then a booklet can be provided with a departing benefits list. The book includes a right to a needle exchange; G.P.S. device; 50 rounds of cartridges; water; food ; army enlistment flyer with automatic citizenship; condoms; black orphans; "Joys Of Judiaism" book; Senator Barbara Boxer's private number - studs ONLY; the novella "Barbara Boxer : To Be Young, Hot And Jewish At The Domino Club In San Francisco In The 1970s"; an easy to inseminate a woman lifer on death row kit and the little advertised legal benefits to common law spouses that flow from that legal act; a switchblade knife guarenteed to be manufactured in Iran but operating manual is in Hebrew; etc.


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