Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Resolution: Insult And Shun Zionists

It's obvious to most people around the world and to some American citizens that U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East favors the Zionists/Israeli interests. So much so, that George Bush could be rightly called the "First Zionist President". This reality harms the U.S. An example is 9/11. In the interest of returning American foreign policy goals to an America- first philosophy, it is now necessry to have an American grassroots movement that is directed at the Zionists in the U.S. to make them feel unwanted and uncomfortable.

To that point, it should be a New Year resolution of concerned individuals to insult and avoid relationships with Zionists of all stripes. They will have to pay a humane price for freely roaming amongst civilized people. If the Zionists claim discrimination because of this philosophical discrimination then just reply, " Listen asshole, you Zionists are 100% of what's wrong with American foreign policy. And this grassroots blowback is initially targeting only 50% of your numbers. So in a very real sense you are benefiting from a postive affirmative action. That's more than you do for anyone else. Listen up and change your ways or we all will take it to the next level"

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