Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Hillary Clinton: Wants To Be Bitch-Slapped?

Just when it looked like the white- trash Clintons and their trailer-park scandals would forever fade away, along comes a president-elect and bright negro to grant them yet more exposure on the world stage. Obama made a deal with the Clinton's to avoid conflict of interests with respect to Hillary's new job as Secretary of State. Yeah sure, it will be as effective as lobbyist and campaign finance reform. Of course money isn't everything. Bill will be more attractive and available now that his wife is out of town. Amy Winehouse is looking for kicks.

Speaking of kicks, I'm struck by the warm feelings that the truthful cameras offer up when Barack and Hillary are on stage. Could it be that Hillary has finally met a man she can rely on? Would a bitch-slap from Barack be welcome if she opens daylight between her ideas on policy and his?

The U.S. doesn't need more political soap operas in real-time that take the place for much needed meaningful foreign or domestic policies. Our politicians are overpaid and mostly are made up of the criminal class.

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