Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Barack Obama Has A Loaded Gun

What's the difference between a loaded gun and a one- political- party control of government? Well the loaded gun can kill you. Whereas the single party control ruins you to the point of one wanting to kill themself or kill someone else. And so Obama has a political loaded gun in his hand.

Some of the bullets include wealth redistribution to the point of socialism . Or how about extreme trade protectionism to the point of trade breakdowns on a worldwide basis? What about an expansion of the Depatrment Of Education to finally preclude all new generations from a meaningful classical education? And certainly there are other nasty possibilities when the spending monkeys in congress have over $3 trillion in the budget to spend.

But maybe Obama will be prudent and govern from the center. America needs someone like that. The past 2 presidents included the educated moron Bill Clinton and the plain vanilla moron George W. Bush. We have to do better than that.

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