Monday, November 19, 2007

Jackie Speier & Tom Lantos: Victim Credentials

Thirteen-term Congressman Tom Lantos, who is best known for being a Holocaust survivor and promoting Israel-first policies in Congress will probably be challenged by Ca. Senator Jackie Speier. Speier is an Armenian-American. Armenians can also claim being victims of a 19th century Armenian genocide. She also can claim a personal victim status by being an "aid" to the late Rep. Leo Ryan. She accompanied him but escaped his fate at the Jonestown massacre.

Are the holocaust/genocide credentials a coincidence? Are those dubious credentials helpful in the American political playbook? Or put another way, would either Lantos or Speier be where they are today without the political capital of being victims? Well America was first settled by victims of religious persecution. So it's kind of in our blood this victim-status celebration. Read the inscription on the Statue of Liberty concerning the open-door policy to all comers. But excessive is not a good description of any policy and America has become a caricature in promoting/protecting just about any belief or political policy.

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