Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Iraq Victory?

The news is filled with favorable reports and anecdotal photos of how Baghdad is so much safer. Credit is given to Bush's "surge" tactic. So are we supposed to believe that after app. 1,000,000 Iraqi war-related deaths, 4,000,000 Iraqi refugees, $700 billion and counting spent by the U.S. , app. 3900 U.S. deaths, app. 84,000 U.S. casualities that all's well that ends well?

I don't think so. I think the more accurate description of present day Iraq/Baghdad is that it is de facto partioned. And that makes the U.S. redundant. Our troops should leave as the Brits have and we will see a further cessation of hostilities.

May Bush, Cheney et al rot.

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