Saturday, September 09, 2006

William Kristol : A Jew's Defense Of Israel

William Kristol is editor of " The Weekly Standard" magazine and also co-founder and Chairman of The Project for the New American Century an ultra-right wing think tank that seems to have a template for empire that the Bush Administration has followed. Both organizations are way more than normally influenced with pro-Israel security concerns " uber alles".

Mr. Kristol yesterday wrote an op-ed piece in the Wall St. Journal titled " Anti-Judaism". He argued that Jews and Israel were under attack because they were basically merely Jewish. He was playing the race card. His examples included Professors Mearshiemer and Walt's paper on the improper influence of the " Jewish Lobby" on American foreign policy. Also he attacked Norwegian Writer Jostein Gaardner's " end of Israel " article where Gaardner indicts Israel's rogue behavior toward the Palestinians for the last 60 years and the recent Lebanese slaughter. Kristol also continues to misquote Iran's Ahmadinejad statements on Israel. Kristol also stoops to pick on a racial slur on MoveOn's ActionForum about "Jew" Lieberman.

In each example Kristol dishonestly critiques others about what they said but fails to address what they criticize. In other words they are wrong because they had the audacity to criticize a Jew and/or the Jewish state. Kristol wants the reader to ignore the death of over 1000 innocent Lebanese by Israeli aerial bombardment which amounts to murder. He also wants the reader to ignore the constructive genocide of Palestinians by Israeli policies in the occupied territories.

He like many of his ancestors when criticized change the subject. The topic of conversation shifts to a more convenient anti-semitism offense/defense for which he has been more effectively raised.

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