Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Peace In The Middle East ?

Usually when a situation can't get any worse it gets better. Sounds like a discription of the Middle East. Of course we could still have an invasion of Iran and Syria. And also Egypt, Saudia Arabia and other moderate countries in the area would then disintegrate because of American/Israeli agression.

But something happened that changed that perceived next step by Bush and his criminal administration. What changed? Israel lost to Hezbollah in Lebanon. As long as there was progress by warfare then there would be progressive war. But now Israel has shown vulnerability to the assymetrical Middle East-style warfare like it's partner in crime the Bush administration has experienced in Iraq. It also showed Israel's true colors. It wasn't the colors of the "victim" that it has carefully marketed for the past 60 plus years. It was the colors of the Nazi-like barbarians that they claim to despise. They copied the Nazis in their constructive genocide of the Palestinians and the murder by aerial bombardment of over 1000 innocent Lebanese civilians. So they lost the war and lost a lot of any good will that yet lingers for the Jewish state.

Ergo peace in the Middle East could be the path of least resistance for all parties concerned.

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