Friday, April 07, 2006

Mayor Gavin Newsom, Irish Rebel

It was said that 19th century Irish immigrants when entering a new country asked one question first, " What kind of government you got here ? Because I'm against it." Mayor Newsom is a descendent of that kind of politicaal Irish stock. He's the mayor that invited homosexual marriage in San Francisco. His criminal behavior redifined the cultural custom of marriage and broke California state law. He probably handed George Bush the margin of votes to win. Newsom should have been impeached. But he is the Platonic sodomite of the homosexual community in S.F.

Well he's at it again. Now he and S.F.'s Board of Stupidvisors are urging San Franciscos law enforcement agencies not to comply with criminal provisions of any new federal immigration bill. Newsom said, " If people think we were defiant in the gay marriage issue, they haven't seen defiance." Wow. Why all the venom? What's his problem? The main reason why he is mayor is together with his father Judge Wm. Newsom Jr. they do a courtier-like performance for billionaire Gordon Getty. Getty's money and the judges brown nose got former Mayor Willie Brown to appoint Gavin to the Board of Stupidvisors. From there Gavin and groupies developed a cheap version of J.F.K. including a striking rent-a-wife and an unfurnished home in the required political district.

Since Gavin is such an Irish caricature of rebellion he should resort to drinking to temper his raging spirit. Seriously other Irish playwrights, poets, actors and characters have somewhat civilized themselves under the influence of alcohol. If one can't stand being normal or one really doesn't get it then one should fake it.

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