Friday, April 28, 2006

America Now is Like The Last Days of Rome

First the bad news and then a plan for survival.

America's current situation remind of Rome's last days as a superpower. Preemtive wars for democracy and profit that are zero-sum. Whatever power is weilded abroad is subtracted from it's citizens. A planned mass boycott for illegal immigrant rights issues wants" to shut down cities". What's more, elected officials support the plan ! An elected president " Crosses the Rubicon " to become more like a Ceasar. He's supported by the military-industrial complex who look like a modern day Praetorian Guard. Federal deficits that remind of Rome's " bread and circus" budgets. There's more but you get the idea.

Now the way out. It's simple. Washington has too much power, The lobbyists and gerrymandered districts have won the game. How else could a crummy country like Israel get so much respect. Washington should be stripped of most of the powers that it has accumilated since FDR's New Deal. Some first signs of hope toward this end are the recent moves for impeachment of Bush through initiatives by the Illinois and California Assemblies. States should be the place where power resides. Also wars should only be waged by a majority vote through a NATIONAL REFERENDUM.

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