Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Illegal Immigrants, Mob Rule & Civil Rights

The political model being used by illegal immigrant activists is patterned on the Civil Rights movement used by the blacks and their supporters in the 1960s. Yesterday the Irish rebel Sen. Teddy Kennedy joined the protesting crowds in Wash. ,D.C.. He recalled this very spot where Martin Luther King spoke of civil rights for all. Teddy said, " I see [ in you protestors] America's future". From his track record, he's correct. Teddy never mowed a lawn nor does he intend to. Nor would he force a welfare recipient, that he and his brothers help create,to mow his lawn. The tactics of mob rule, rioting and civil disobedience that the blacks and their suppoters resorted to did indeed change Americas culture and laws. Those Civil Rights laws of the Great Society have had the effective negative consequence of fostering a welfare dependent and dysfunctional underclass that won't do the jobs that the illegal immigrants do.

These are not civil rights demonstrations. One has to be a citizen first to protest about the countrys laws. This is anarchy and mob intimidation by foreigners. Unfortunately for us the illegals know that they are up against our largely spineless and corrupt politicians. How will largely immoral politicians stand up to illegal immigrants ?

If our politicians fail then it becomes a chore for citizen border guards and whistle-blowers on employers who hire illegals. Most importantly our own welfare legions have to work before they can receive benefits.

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