Saturday, March 04, 2006

Israel / Palestine War Pollution Contracts

War is a kind of pollution. So why not trade contracts based on the Israel/Palestinian conflict? With an economic incentive spread among a wider group, this will mitigate war-mongers, lobbies and zealots grip on the status quo. For example, Israel was created in 1947 out of the partition of historic Palestine. There was a partially rigged vote by 35 of 57 members of the United Nations. Since that time Israel has been engaged in its" war of independence". I propose a contract based on the existing population of Israel to be distributed among the original 35 Israel-creating voters. The contract would guarentee a home based on a pro rata share of 35 countries if Israel ceased to exist. The original members could either sell their contracts or buy more. in either choice the U.N. vote would have to be revisited. Buyers of this contract could be potentially large. Israelis themselves could opt to leave their shrinking, war-threatened country. Palestinians and other Muslims countries would be eager buyers for an economical and humane resolutuion to the conflict. They could show the world that its not the Israelis but the idea and place of Israel they are protesting. Simply they want their country back.

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