Thursday, December 01, 2005

" Svengali" Cheney and His Dazzled Moron

Even the Dick is not sure whether the moron will continue to do his bidding. When he asks for Dubya's attention, the eyes take awhile to focus. But a few key phrases, " You are the wartime president. Bring em' on. Jesus saved your worthless ass, you have a " charge to keep" to spread his evangelical word. Laura will be proud of you. Dad can't stop you."

" The Plan for Victory" smacks of Goebbels-like jingoism. Cheney and the little man refuse to be intimidated. According to the speech, the " Plan" will have American forces shift local police activities to the new Iraqi Army. This will free-up the American forces to probe/provke a wider Iran/Syrian war.

No " Plan for Victory" will justify the deception and crime of the Iraqi invasion. The ball is in the oppostion's court. There has to be closure to this criminal war. Congress controls the purse. That's the key. No funds for the war without a " metrics" for withdrawal. The battle for America starts today.

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