Thursday, December 08, 2005

Paul Wolfowitz: The Merchant of Menace was Spat Upon

Yesterday at the National Press Club, Paul Wolfowitz, former Deputy Secretary of Defense gave a 30 minute speech about the joys and challenges of his new job. He is the new president of the World Bank. But an analysis of wht happened at the Press Club suggests that the invitation to Wolfy was bait for an ulterior agenda of embarrassing quotes and questions.

Richard Dunham of Business Week, president of the Club started by citing Wolfy's deferment from the Viet Nam War and then went on to cite some infamous Wolfy predictions about the Iraq War; " US forces will be welcome as liberators"; It is wildly off the mark to think that hundreds of thousands of troops will be needed to pacify a postwar Iraq; " It is just wrong to assume that the US would be needed to fund the Iraq War." And from there it got nasty. Questions from the aggressive audience included what was Wolfy's part in the distorted intelligence about WMD and an al-Qaeda connection etc. through comparing Wolfy's behavior to the Nazis and the judgement they received at the Nuremburg Trials.

Wolfowitz was an AIPAC- influenced appointment to the Pentagon. He along with other ultra-Zionists Douglas Feith, Michael Maloof and others look, act and quack Israel's racist's Likud Party line. Specifically Israel's security is the most important American objective in the Middle East. No matter what the cost.

It may turn out that this social abuse and disrespect may be the only punishment that this creep will ever receive but it was something. He should be shunned. American jingoism and McCarthyism carry their own recipe for unwanted intolerance. But allowing special interests like AIPAC and The Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations through their 50 PACs across America to have America underwrite an Israeli brand of jingoism and intolerance is worse. AIPAC lobbyists should be regulated like foreign agents with questionable motives. They should not be welcomed into the halls of Congres as reps of a quasie 51st state.

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