Saturday, December 17, 2005

American Jewish History Month: A Chance to Ask Questions ?

Late Thursday the House of Representatives passed a nonbinding resolution to make January ,American Jewish History Month. Sponsored by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz D-Fla. it had 250 co-sponsors. She said," Similar to Black History Month in February and Womans History Month in March, American Jewish History Month will present educators with the opportunity and tools to teach diversity and cultural awareness." She also said that she received a commitment from House Speaker Dennis Hastert to personally contact the President and urge him to sign the executive order.

Does Rep. Wasserman Schultz allow for questions to be asked of American Jews during the month of January?

Here are some,

A) Do American Jews in general agree or disagree with AIPAC policies that effectively jeopardize American security in favor of Israeli security?

B) Do American Jews in general agree or disagree that the Israeli seperation wall is similar to an historic South African apartheid tactic?

C) Do American Jews in general agree or disagree there is a similarity between the way the Nazis treated the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto and the way that Israelis treat the Palestinians in the occupied territories?

I am looking forward to January. It will be a month of amnesty for questions asked in other months would be considered racist at worse or politically incorrect at best. I encourage others to take the opportunity also. Don't forget to ask your reps in Congress what is more important. AIPAC money or American security?

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