Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Marilyn Monroe and JFK

Recently the Antiques Roadshow had highlights of past shows. One segment had an autographed photo of Marilyn Monroe valued at $ 4000-6000. Another segment had an autographed photo of JFK valued at $ 1500-2000. Marilyn and JFK were involved in a now famous affair( Bobby Kennedy made it a menage a trois) .It ended badly for Marilyn with talk of Bobby having a hand in silencing the actress. Monroe's momento was 3 times JFKs. One would think that the president's signature would have been more valuable or at least as valuable as Monroe's.

But there is something about Marilyn Monroe that moved people that was lacking in JFK' s persona. Her acting parts were suitably picked to resonate with her knockout looks and a particular vulnerability. She just played herself. This is the requirement of all actors , to be believable. On the other hand John Kennedy was largely a creation of his father Joe Kennedy.

Joe was enormously wealthy and had a backround in the motion picture business with his share of RKO ( K for Kennedy). He knew how to project a theatrical voter- friendly image. JFK's best-selling " Profiles in Courage" is suspected to have been ghost written by Ted Sorenson. Joe's money is widely suspected of criminally-delivering Illinois, Texas and W. Virginia in a extremely close national vote.

Marilyn played from her heart and personality. JFK followed his father's script and showed a lack of character . In the real world, only the truths last and are more valuable.

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