Monday, September 19, 2005

HOUNDS & BITCHES: Hunting Strategies

When hunting for game, one should have all areas of the field covered. Hounds will cover the left and bitches will cover an area somewhat to the right. Of course that can be reversed if the terrain changes, Mongrels that have been raised in the streets are more resourceful than priveledged kennel-raised moronic runts.

Yesterday on a similar circumstance, Bill Clinton was talking to his estranged friend George Stephanopoulos on ABC. Clinton said, " You can't have an emergency plan[ New Orleans] that works if it only affects middle-class people up [he is against the disappearing middle-class?]

The fact is that 350, 000 mainly African-Americans evacuated New Orleans when they were told to. The ones that stayed behind for whatever reason will be generously compensated by the" middle-class people up". Clinton's bark of class and race prejudiced after 40 years of the Great Society and trillions spent should remind people why some dogs should be kept outside.

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