Sunday, August 14, 2005

Legal & Illegal Immigrants to America's New Land Rush

History repeats itself. Albeit sometimes unnoticed because different names and places obscure. For example, the Oklahoma Land Rush of the 19th century in America opened up newly conquered Indian lands to eastern settlers.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 along with the massive liberal legislation of President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society were the events that opened American borders to the legal and illegal immigration invasion. The Immigration And Nationality Act took policy out of immigration. In other words, the original ethnic mix of America was abandoned and liberalized to the point of almost no refusable grounds for applying aliens. The Great Society's uncoupling of obligation ( work ) from entitlement ( pay/subsidy ) created the vacuum of Americans who decided to work less or not to work and legal/illegal aliens who came to America to do the work.

Texas recently became the 4th state to have a nonwhite majority. By 2050 America will be 50/50 whites to nonwhites. At that point there will be no debate on amnesty or immigration whatsoever. It will be a matter of how quickly foreign relatives can be granted access to the US for a bloodless coup. The land rush of the 21st century will make the 19th century land rush look like proper equestrians exercising their horses in a Sunday park ride.

What can one do ? Some states in America have stronger anti-immigration laws and more importantly less immigrants. Ergo, move to those states.

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