Sunday, August 14, 2005

Bush Threatens Iran: A Loser Still Looking for Trouble

It was Dubya's lips moving but the message was a repeat of Dick " Svengali " Cheney's threat of an Israeli first use nuclear attack on Iran. Cheney gave that message on " Imus in the Morning " show on Inauguration Day 2005.

Bush was on Israeli TV this past Friday, August 12. He said, " The United States and Israel are united in our objective to make sure that Iran does not have a [ nuclear ] weapon." He continued," if diplomacy fails, all options are on the table. The use of force is the last option for any president. You know, we've used force in the recent past to secure our country."

Well, Lonsome George (38% approval of Iraq war) we all noticed how you rushed to your" last option" in Iraq. And the world or America is not more secure for your behavior. And as for Israel, they just lost Gaza to the Palestinians. One wonders if they are up to taking on Iran ?

This kind of bluster by the administration borders on being suicidal. Bush and Cheney should be removed from office.

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