Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Armed Service Rivals: Halliburton & Army; Northrup Grumman & Navy

The inter-service rivalry has just evolved a new tactic. The military-industrial complex has now further divided and made more expensive American defense policy. They are using their respective political muscles to get civilian business contacts that support grand strategies and/or pet projects appointed to strtegic government postions.

The model for this new tactic is V.P. Cheney and his old firm of Halliburton outsourcing for the Army. Cheney ran for office for his company and then help start a war for his company.

Well here comes the Navy. Dubya just nominated Donald "Nuclear" Winter ( has doctorate in physics) a Northrup-Grumman executive to be Navy Secretary. Northrup plays a leading role in developing the DDX. It is the new contraversial warship that has come under fire by Congress. The developmental costs are triple the costs originally estimated. Also the ships useability is being challenged by the realities of America's new different threats. With his new position Mr. Winter will now be able to make a stronger case for it's survival.

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