Saturday, May 28, 2005

Repeal Cranston Amendment

Israel since 1997 receives app. $10 billion per year from the US. That figure makes up about 16% of this years Israeli budget($62 billion). I beleive there is a direct relationship between Israel's arrogance and the amount of American military and monetary support to that country.

How many people know of the Cranston Amendment named for the late Senator Alan Cranston (D-Ca.) in 1983. The amendment reads in part,"It is the policy and the intention of the United States that the funds provided in annual appropriations for Economic Support Funds which are allocated to Israel shall not be less than the amount debt repayments( interest and principal) from Israel to the United States Government in recognition that such principle serves United States interests in the region."

Israel has a blank check from the US. They don't have to repay anything.

The Cranston Amendment should be repealed. Israel should exist under the discipline of it's own unaided budget instead of leveraging U S resources. Then there would be a very real reason for trying to achieve peace.

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