Sunday, May 01, 2005

Putin in Palestine

Russia's President Putin visited parts of historic Palestine on April 29, 2005. He gave 2 helicopters to the Palestinian Authority and offered 50 armored vehicles which was supported by the senior American military official in the region Lt. Gen. Wm. Ward. But Israel objected to the armored vehicles so they could not be accepted by the P A . Mr. Putin candidly pointed out that the P A could do a better security job if they had a qualitative edge in equipment. This logic was lost on the Israelis who prefer the status quo so they won't have to address the " right of return" issue of those 5 million Palestinian refugees that they displaced. Those people are living in camps in dire conditions. Peace for Israel would involve a catastrophic redistribution of land that would make the Gaza pullout look insignificant. The Palestinians are correct to believe that after Gaza nothing will happen.

Yet, President Putin brings to the Palestinians a new voice that is more constructive to their plight. He should be joined by others in exposing the true obstacle to peace-Israel.

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