Saturday, May 28, 2005

Advisory: Support The Council for the National Interest

This column has from time to time been a vocal critic of America's uneven foreign policy that turns a blind eye to Israeli lawlessness while we condemn the same actions in every other country. AIPAC ( American Israel Public Affairs Committee) has been the go-between in buying off a large part of our Congress. Well I learned yesterday(May 27, 2005) of an organization that I recommend like-minded people to support. I sent them a check for $ 50 and two copies of my latest book " Evangelicals,Zionists & Secular Neocons". The organization is Council for the National Interest( It is run by former members of Congress and other noteworthy people. Among their many projects, that include getting a handle on all foreign lobbyists influence , they are trying to get a bill introduced called "The Israel Accountability And Security Act".
The thrust of the act is to make Israel obey the laws that everyone else does especially when they are America's biggest receiver of foreign aid($ 10 billion per year since 1997). What Israel does reflects on the US.

Check out their website. It is very easy to know what they are doing and how to get involved. It's time for some answers from our reps in Washinton on how they handle America's best interests when they conflict with AIPAC money and Israel's dreams.

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