Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Intelligent Design: Creationist's solid Trojan Horse

The Trojan Horse in Homer's Illiad advanced the Greek's siege of Troy because there were armed men concealed inside. The creationist's theory of intelligent design has god hidden inside. This presumptive theory is their answer to Darwin's theory of evolution. But this horse has blinders and is solid with the dense idea of god. It's cargo carries no advancement of knowledge. Intelligent design is a retreat from the revealed facts of simple observation. Evolution by definition is caused by change and the resulting adaptive behavior of organisms. Thus diversity is found everywhere as proof of evolution. Intelligent design does not prove gods existence or by extension certain designated religious groups who carry his message exclusively.

The addition of creationist theory in science class has the effect of slowing or stopping scientific curiosity.How much knowledge was stifled and postponed because of the Catholic church meddling in science. Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for supporting the theory of the planets revolving around the sun. The travails of Galileo are similar. Today abortion and assisted suicide are targets for the wrath of god's representatives.

There is one bigger lesson to be learned from this revival of creationism. People can only learn so much before they quit. They quit because they don't get it or don't want to get it. But this fracture at the educational level points up the differences in people. Differences don't mean much in an uncrowded world. But in our crowded America these differences will seperate us. America is slowly reverting back to regional tribal-like states with an aversion to a central Washington-based government. And this is the good that comes out of the bad of teaching creationism in place of evolution.

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