Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Act of Congress: What is Terri Schiavo getting from all this?

On oneside the Christian lobby is flexing it's muscles in the name of God's will. They presume to know his mind even if he never wrote anything down about these particular circumstances. The Catholic Church and the feeble-minded Pope have been referenced also.Please take a close look at their respective credentials.

Tom DeLay the beleagured House Majority Leader finally has an oppurtunity to scapegoat his alledged misconduct by claiming to be a victim of his faith. Now he knows how the Taliban felt.
Bill Frist the Senate Majority Leader is demonstrating to the democrats what can happen to any hold up of judicial nominees.

Bush and his guilty conscience is trying to balance the Iraqi death toll by literally jamming a tube down a woman's throat and symbolically jamming unconstitutional legislation down the throats of Americans. W is quoted"it is wisest to always err on the side of life". This is the same moron who launched a preemptive war.

Ms. Schiavo's parents are winning their vindictive battle against their estranged son-in-law.
And of course the lawyers are getting paid more than they diserve.

But what about Terri? Fifteen years of a vegetative mental And physical state is needlessly cruel and unusual suffering. There is a time to go.

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